Looking into a problem I have found that SN uses a special processor to get display values for items selected in a List. Maybe I’ll need it sometimes in the future, so I’ll just repeat it here: Somewhat related – maybe it will be of help later, whenever a display value is retrieved an event […]
Category: ServiceNow
A better “Scripts – Background”
At some point (about the 2nd time I had to use Scripts – Background) I got sick and tired of the textbox in which I was supposed to edit and test server side JavaScript. I said to myself if the build-in code editor works everywhere else, it must work there too. So I started researching […]
Dynamic filters and properties
I was trying to create a Dynamic filter in a ServiceNow instance that would allow anyone to filter things by users configured/listed in a property. In theory it was a straight forward thing to do and I proceeded to accomplish the task. But things soon turned into a struggle to not loose my sanity, knowing […]
GlideFilter does work after all!?
Working with assessments I came across a piece of code that showed me that GlideFilter does support case insensitive evaluation of conditions. Up until now I was under the impression that GlideFilter is not fully functional in that it can’t do just that. ServiceNow Guru Tim Woodruff nicely details and demonstrates how the known usage […]